Please Help Design Request

What is Your Name?      
What is the best Number to call you on?BH:
What is Your Email?      
Where are you from?      
How old are you?      
How much do you weigh?      
How tall are you? (in feet and inches)      
What type of wave do you ride? (wave size in feet)      
How many years surfing experience do you have?      
How would you rate your ability?      
Are you currently riding a surfboard?       
If so please write a brief description      
What is your fitness level?      
Do you have any ideas about the sort of board you would like?      

Check out our board prices and freight estimator. click here

On receipt of your $30 Design Request deposit we will give you the contact details of the designer/shaper who will be designing your board.
Once you have paid in full we build your board and deliver it in six weeks (subject to demand at particular times of the year).