If you are not sure what type of board you want, this will help you choose or assist you when you fill out the "Please Help!" request form.

Check out our board prices and freight estimator. click here

Experience and Skill level
Tell us where you are at with your surfing and we will ensure you get the most out of your board.
Beginner - Never surfed before or can stand up in white water.
Born Again - You surfed regularly years ago, but a bit older and a little less fit.
Intermediate - Can get to your feet quickly and ride blue water, with the occasional cut back off the lip re-entry.
Experienced - You've been surfing for years, are capable and can pull off any number of manoeuvres.

You're not sure what breaks you surf now or want to surf. Here are a few descriptors:
Beach or Shore Break - The waves break on banks close to the shore and can break left or right or both.
Reef Break - The waves come in from deep water then hit a reef. They can break left or right or both and tend to be hollower and quicker than the beach breaks.
Point Break - The waves hit a point or land formation that is near perpendicular to the coast and the waves break along the point either left or right.

When filling out request forms don't hesitate to use the Comment Boxes to give additional information about you and your surfing so we can design the best board for you.

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